Participation as a jury and intervention by Maître Carole COUSON-WARLOP
lawyer in intellectual property law, in the National Intellectual Property Pleading Competition. The Cabinet ARTLEX supports the competition ...
The limitation of liability clause survives the cancellation of the contract
By a judgment of February 7, 2018 (Cass. Com., February 7, 2018, appeal no. 16-20352), the Court of Cassation operates a reversal of case law regarding the fate_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_clauses...
Only the specialized courts can grant a measure of investigation in futurum to the applicant availing himself of practices...
Under Article D. 442-3 of the Commercial Code, only 8 courts...
Tax and social management
of your employees in situation
international mobility
APRIL 17, 2018 - RENNES
APRIL 19, 2018 - QUIMPER
As part of the international development of companies, employees will be required to work abroad on a long-term basis...