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Tax and social management of your employees

in a situation of international mobility

17 April 2018 - 9h00-11h00 - Rennes

19 April 2018 - 9h00-11h00 - Quimper 

In partnership with :

Law firm ARTLEX (Nantes) and Executive Relocations (Nantes)

Speakers :

Me Jean-Charles ROBERT – ARTLEX law firm (Nantes)

Me Cyril CRUGNOLA – ARTLEX law firm (Nantes)

Ms Stéphanie HELLEGOUARCH – Executive Relocations (Nantes)

As part of the international development of companies, employees will be required to work abroad permanently, or to travel for short-term assignments.


This development of activity can also result in the arrival in the company of foreign personnel, on French sites.


The speakers will present the different impacts in terms of taxation and social protection for each of these situations, as well as the opportunities for the company and the employee.




Discussed subjects :

  • Departing employees :
    Presentation of the different statuses from the perspective of taxation/social protection/labour law : commercial prospectors, frequent travelers, commuters, expatriates/detached

  • Employees arriving in France – impatriates :
    Presentation of the different statuses from the perspective of taxation/social protection/labour law for intra-group transfers, recruitments

  • Arbitration keys for opting for secondment or expatriation in terms of social security


The speakers will recall the legal rules and will present figures to explain the tax and social impacts of each of the situations presented.



Concerned public :

  • Leader

  • Human ressources

  • Accounting / Finance

2 sessions are scheduled in Brittany.

Register via our website by clicking on the date selected.


Date and place: 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


BCI Headquarters
The Colbert
35 Place du Colombier


Thursday April 19  2018

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


145 avenue de Keradennec

Information meetings free

Bretagne Commerce International being financed by the Regional Council and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Brittany region, the information meetings are reserved for companies domiciled

in Brittany (siège social or secondary establishment).

Looking forward to welcoming you to these meetings, I am at your disposal for any further information.

Your contact for these meetings:

 Stephanie HELLEGOUARCH | Account Sales Representative – Executive Relocations

Tel: +33 6 69 99 39 37

Address: 15 Quai Ernest Renaud, 44 100 Nantes, France

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